Senior Portrait Style Tips

Fashion for your senior portraits is an individual choice, but this page can give you some style inspiration.
We will also discuss fashion during our consultation session.


-Nothing is more important than picking out pieces that show your personality.  I love to photograph unique individuals with unique style.

-Accessories are great for boys or girls – scarves, jackets, hats, jewelry, different shoes or boots

-I generally suggest to avoid shorts and tank tops.  Knees and armpits aren’t the most attractive part of the body, and they limit posing options.

-Wrinkles show!  Make sure everything is neatly pressed and on a hanger – we can hang it up in the RV closet.

-Can’t decide?  Bring a few extra options, and I will help you make up your mind!

-Play a sport, or play an instrument?  These are the things that make you who you are, so bring your uniform and gear!

-Get your sleep, and don’t forget the details!  You don’t want blood shot eyes or dirty fingernails.  And for guys – a five o’clock shadow can’t be removed during retouching.


Our high school seniors have told us the following links offer some great senior styles.  Many of the sites offer men’s and women’s clothing.  If you think there is a  site you think I should include – click on the contact page and let me know.   We do not have any financial interest in any of these companies.

Cool Styles for Senior Boys

Hot Looks for Senior GirlsBDP32862


Are you are looking for a new look – or do you just want to look your best for your shoot?   Consult the experts at Madmax Salon as soon as we book your appointment.  The stylists at Madmax work with both men and women.

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